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Autorität Detail

Hrabal, Bohumil, 1914-1997
Other form of name PPP: Helaba'er, Bohumi'er, 1914-1997
Other form of name PPP: Hrabalas, Bohumilas, 1914-1997
Other form of name PPP: Hrabals, Bohumils, 1914-1997
Other form of name PPP: Furabaru, Bofumiru, 1914-1997
Other form of name PPP: Chrabal, Bochumil, 1914-1997
Other form of name PPP: Grabal, Bogumil, 1914-1997
Citation: PNP-LA
Citation: Jeho: Amarinimo sawagashii kodoku = Příliš hlučná samota
Citation: Helaba'er, Bohumi'er: Wo ceng shi hou guo Yingguo guo wang, 2012
Citation: Hrabal, Bohumil: Sliškom šumnoje odinočestvo, 2015

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