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Authority detail

Mizielińska, Aleksandra, 1982-
Other form of name PPP: Machowiak, Aleksandra, 1982-
Citation: Mizielińska, Aleksandra - Mizieliński, Daniel: D.O.M.E.K. 1, 2014
Citation: NUKAT, cit. 12. 6. 2014
Citation: www(Culture), cit. 12. 6. 2014

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Kubátová, Táňa, 1958-
Hvězdy nad Zanzibarem
Vosseler, Nicole C., 1972-
Tady byla Britt-Marie
Backman, Fredrik, 1981-
Zásah osudu
Steel, Danielle, 1947-
Rusovláska z ostrova
Cabot, Patricia