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Authority detail

Keane, John, 1949-
Other form of name PPP: Keane, John Charlick, 1949-
Citation: NKC
Citation: Keane, John: Václav Havel. a political tragedy in six acts. 1st pub. London: Bloomsbury, 1999
Citation: LC (Names), cit. 30. 5. 2012
Citation: www (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), cit. 30. 5. 2012

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Léta s Hubertem
Kubátová, Táňa, 1958-
Farářova dcera
Orwell, George, 1903-1950
Krvavá mlha
Cornwell, Patricia Daniels, 1956-
Obrazy z Rus
Havlíček Borovský, Karel, 1821-1856