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Authority detail

Steadman, A. F.
Other form of name PPP: Steadman, Annabel
Citation: Steadman, A. F. Skandar a zloděj jednorožců. Brno: Host, 2022
Citation: LC (Names), cit. 2. 5. 2022
Citation: www(Armitstead, Claire. Life is short, so you have to get on with it: AF Steadman on unicorns, leaving law and her record-breaking book deal. In: The Guardian), 27. 4. 2022, cit. 6. 5. 2022

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Pán čarodějů
Slováková, Petra, 1987-
Osudový kód
McBain, Scott
Zelený skarabeus
Vandenberg, Philipp, 1941-
Sbohem a dík za ryby. [4.]
Adams, Douglas, 1952-2001
Lidé, alkohol, drogy
Šedivý, Václav