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Authority detail

Stern- Les Landes, Alice, 1953-
Other form of name PPP: Les Landes, Alice, 1953-
Other form of name PPP: Landes, Alice les, 1953-
Other form of name PPP: LesLandes, Alice, 1953-
Other form of name PPP: Les Landes, Alice Stern-, 1953-
Other form of name PPP: Landes, Alice Stern- les, 1953-
Other form of name PPP: Stern-LesLandes, Alice, 1953-
Other form of name PPP: Stern, Alice, 1953-
Citation: Stern- Les Landes, A.: Začínáme s chovem domácích zvířat. [Líbeznice]: Víkend, 2013.
Citation: DNB, cit. 19. 9. 2013

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