Dokument Detail
Leader : -----nam 22----- a 4500 ISBN number: 80-237-2559-9 Original cataloguing agency: TRG502 Language of cataloging: cze Authority heading: May, Beate Relator code: Author Name: Láska malé komtesy : Other Title Information: s knížecí korunkou. Number of part/section of a work: sv. 155 / Statement of responsibility: Beate Mayová ; přeložila Alice Breyerová Edition statement: Vyd. 1. Place of publication: V Praze : Name of publisher: Ivo Železný, Date of publication: 1995 Extent: 58 s. Key words: romány pro ženy ; milostné romány ; láska Location symbol: TRG502 TITC: 155. |
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