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STABENOW, Dana, 1952-

[Dead in the water. Anglicky ]

Dead in the water / Dana Stabenow. -- London : Head of Zeus, 2013. -- 198 stran. -- Anglický text. -- Scope and content: Crew members Christopher Alcala and Stuard Brown went ashore at four in the afternoon. They carried no survival gear, no tent, no sleeping bags, not even matches. And when the coast guard are called out a full week later, all traces of the missing men have been removed. The crew swear blind that the skipper, Harry Gault, is not to blame. But with the families of the missing men making noises about corruption, the authorities need someone on the inside. Someone who can survive the back-breaking conditions of an Alaskan trawler. Someone like Kate Shugak. -- ISBN 9781908800411 (brožováno) : 231.00 Kč.

detective novels

detektivky - severské - Aljaška - námořníci - pohřešování - vyšetřování - vyšetřovatelka Kate Shugaková - plavby - lodě - tajemství - nebezpečí - napětí - anglicky

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